Monday, July 25, 2016

Security Alert: Data Protection

As most of you may know, many companies are dealing with an ever increasing number of computer infections due to cyber-attacks, malware and viruses. Companies like,,, and have all been affected. As the frequency of these infections rises so too does the IQ of the criminals producing these viruses. They are getting better about remaining undetected and staying one step ahead of companies like Symantec, TrendMicro, Webroot, Kaspersky and others whose main focus is protecting us from these viruses.

With the increasing number of different attacks we’ve seen pop up over the last few weeks, we feel like it is important to remind our clients of a few things:What’s at riskHow’s GXA helping protect your data, and What can you do to minimize your risk.
What’s at risk:
There are several strains of these viruses and malware floating around and their impact can reach from simply crashing your personal or business computer and effectively wiping out all of the data on that computer all the way to encrypting all of your companies shared files and demanding a ransom for that data. As of June of last year, it is estimated that over $30 Million had been paid as a result of this ransomware across the country. In fact, in October of last year, the FBI recommended paying the ransom if you needed access to your data because once it is encrypted there is no way to decrypt it.
How’s GXA helping protect your data:
Here at GXA our team is constantly looking for ways to keep our clients safe. Sometimes this will mean implementing new software or tools that are best suited for today’s threats. Most often, however, this means keeping your computers up to date with the latest security patches, anti-virus software and ensuring the backup policy in affect is working as intended.
Some of the newer variations of these viruses are requiring that we make some changes to tighten security. Currently, we are having to focus on email security as this is where most the new viruses are targeting users. There may be some changes in the coming weeks if so we will make sure to notify you well in advance and make sure you understand the implications.
What can you do to minimize your risk:
The most effective way to avoid being impacted by these viruses is to stay vigilant and know what to look for. Just doing a couple things can keep you protected from most issues.
1. Always reboot your machine when you see a message from GXA asking for a reboot. These are security patches that we are trying to install.
2. Never open an attachment from someone you don’t know or if you were not expecting the attachment. We ask that our team to get confirmation from the sender through a phone call to verify that they actually sent the file to you.
3. If an email or website looks suspicious then don’t risk it. Delete the email or close your browser without clicking on any links
Here is a handy card to keep by your desk to remind you of email security best practices.

To learn more about how we help businesses stay secure and technologically ahead of the curve, click here.

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